Antique A very tactile late 19th early 20th century carved wooden knight 46cm high by 14cm wide | ANTIQUES.CO.UK |

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    a very tactile late 19th early 20th century carved wooden knight 46cm high by 14cm wide

    Antique A very tactile late 19th early 20th century carved wooden knight 46cm high by 14cm wide
    • Antique A very tactile late 19th early 20th century carved wooden knight 46cm high by 14cm wide
    • Antique A very tactile late 19th early 20th century carved wooden knight 46cm high by 14cm wide
    • Antique A very tactile late 19th early 20th century carved wooden knight 46cm high by 14cm wide

    private seller

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    This very appealing late 19th early 20th century carved wooden knight is 46cm high by 14cm wide and when separated both halves reveal an indentation for the specific purpose of holding a bottle of wine make me a reasonable offer for this item

    This extremely tactile wooden knight is in excellent condition and has the beautifully rich patina that only occurs through years of being handled.
    Payment for his item can either be CASH ON DELIVERY (C.O.D.) which allows the purchaser to view the item before parting with payment or by CREDIT CARD, which give the purchaser the confidence of knowing that they are guaranteed their money back if not entirely satisfied with the item.
    If interested in this item you can either contact me via email, or by text or telephone 073595 77219.
  Ref: FMV2TC6K3

    Width (cm):
    Height (cm):
    Price: £1,100.00

    Please note that this price may NOT include delivery charges which the seller may charge extra for.

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    private seller

    My pasion is for antiques collectbles. I now are only operating as an Internet shop on, as these huge overheads with a bricks and mortar premises are no longer viable. We are passing on these savings to our customers making the prices more reasonable. Having turned to the internet and finding that all over heads are kept to a absolute minimum we realised that this is the best forward for any antique dealer or collector to display their items to an enormous audience globally open 24 hours a day seven days a week. We hope you enjoy all our uniquely chosen items here on

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    private seller

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