Antique Rare and fine example of a late 19th early 20th century child’s painted wooden dolls pram with a rush-work trim on 4 iron wheels. | ANTIQUES.CO.UK |

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    Vintage Midcentury

    rare and fine example of a late 19th early 20th century child’s painted wooden dolls pram with a rush-work trim on 4 iron wheels.

    Antique Rare and fine example of a late 19th early 20th century child’s painted wooden dolls pram with a rush-work trim on 4 iron wheels.
    • Antique Rare and fine example of a late 19th early 20th century child’s painted wooden dolls pram with a rush-work trim on 4 iron wheels.
    • Antique Rare and fine example of a late 19th early 20th century child’s painted wooden dolls pram with a rush-work trim on 4 iron wheels.
    • Antique Rare and fine example of a late 19th early 20th century child’s painted wooden dolls pram with a rush-work trim on 4 iron wheels.
    • Antique Rare and fine example of a late 19th early 20th century child’s painted wooden dolls pram with a rush-work trim on 4 iron wheels.

    private seller

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    A rare and fine example of a late 19th early 20th century child’s painted wooden dolls pram with a rush-work trim on 4 iron wheels.

    This exquisite child’s dolls pram is 80cm long from handle to front wheel and has 4x eight spoked 30cm and 24cm iron wheels and is 56cm in height by 28cm in width.
    The pram painted in its original dark stain and features a painted flower design on side panels. The quality of the construction of this pram has all the indications of having belonged to a Victorian upper-middle class family.
    The condition of the pram is relatively good bearing in-mind its age and being a child’s toy often on the receiving end of robust treatment.
    This is quite a unique piece that would make an ideal addition to any museum or private collection of children’s toys, dolls and prams and would make an extremely sensible purchase especially for anyone looking for an excellent investment, or even a special gift. I certainly believe that it would be quite difficult to easily find another example. of this original condition.
    I also offer the purchaser of the opportunity of being able to part-exchange this item at any period they choose for any other similar valued item on my web page.
    Payment for his item can either be CASH ON DELIVERY (C.O.D.) which allows the purchaser to view the item before parting with payment or by CREDIT CARD, which give the purchaser the confidence of knowing that they are guaranteed their money back if not entirely satisfied with the item.
    Because I want all my customers to be entirely confident when purchasing their items through my webpage, I guarantee a refund of the purchase price if the item of choice is received damaged. Simply email a photo of the damaged item on the date you had received and stating that it will be returned in the same condition and once the item has been received, you will be refunded.
    If, returning an undamaged item because you believe it fails to represent or reflect the condition stated within the advertisement, then simply email a photo of the item on the date you received it along with your complaint.
    If the advertisement description of the item is deemed accurate but never-the-less you still intend returning the item, then once received undamaged you will be sent a refund less administration and postage and packing costs.
    If interested in this item you can either contact me via email, or by text or telephone 073595 77219. Ref: 8QPR9HYC

    wood and iron
    Width (cm):
    Height (cm):
    Price: £2,850.00

    Please note that this price may NOT include delivery charges which the seller may charge extra for.

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