Antique A wedding pair of icons in silver frames in the Art Nouveau style. Moscow, early 20th century | ANTIQUES.CO.UK |

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    a wedding pair of icons in silver frames in the art nouveau style. moscow, early 20th century

    A wedding pair of icons created at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries in Moscow is an outstanding example of Russian icon painting. The composition features two traditional images: a half-length image of the Lord Almighty with an open book in his left hand and a blessing gesture with his right hand, as well as Our Lady of Kazan with a baby in her arms. The images are executed in the academic style typical of Moscow icon painting workshops of the late 19th century. The icons are enclosed in luxurious silver gilded frames created at the Moscow factory of Yemelyan Alekseevich Kuznetsov in the Art Nouveau style. The finest decorative elements give the works a special sophistication. The icons are placed in original wooden icon cases corresponding to the era of their creation. Materials and technique: Board, gesso, egg tempera, silver 84, gilding, casting, chasing, sawing, hand engraving with a graver, chiselling, grinding, polishing, finishing, mounting Hallmarks: Master`s name EK - Kuznetsov Yemelyan Alekseevich, owner of a silverware factory. Silver assay mark 84 with an image of a woman`s head in a kokoshnik, facing right, with the letter Omega - Moscow Assay Office, period 1908-1917. Dimensions: Icons: Height - 22 cm, width - 17.5 cm. Icon cases: Height - 30 cm, width - 26 cm Historical background: Kuznetsov Yemelyan Alekseevich is the owner of a silverware factory founded in 1886. According to data from 1897, the company produced silver icon frames worth about 5 thousand rubles. The production involved 13 male workers, 6 teenagers and 6 boys learning the craft. The icon cases of his workshop were distinguished by the high quality of their chasing and the sophistication of their gilded decor. A wedding pair of icons: a symbol of blessing and spiritual unity A wedding pair is a special composition consisting of two icons: the Savior and the Holy Mother of God, executed in the same style and manner of painting. These icons are used during the sacrament of marriage and are an integral part of the Orthodox wedding tradition. During the ceremony, the priest blesses the groom with the image of Christ, and the bride with the icon of the Mother of God, thereby symbolizing their spiritual patronage. Wedding icons are presented to the newlyweds by their parents: the icon of the Savior is given to the son, and the image of the Mother of God to the daughter. This gesture is not only a blessing, but also a guarantee of the preservation of family values ??and traditions. After the wedding ceremony, the icons are placed in the red corner of the house, becoming the basis of the home iconostasis and holding the blessing for a long and happy married life. According to an old custom, wedding icons are passed down from generation to generation, being a priceless family heirloom. Width: 26cm, Height: 30cm, Depth: 7cm, Weight: 2.5kg, Condition: Good, Material: Silver 84, Gilding, ID: 12233 Ref: U48N6EDEW

    Width (cm):
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    Price: £3,776.44

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    SIA Antion

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    SIA Antion
    Brivibas street 52-1B, Riga, LV-1011, Latvia
    T: +371028058424

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