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Our Stock # 24182
This is an antique Badminton Library Book. An English language, hard bound reference title on fishing by Henry Cholmondeley-Pennell, dating to the late Victorian period, circa 1890.
Dedicated to the Prince of Wales (later Edward VII) the Badminton Library Books series of the late Victorian period was a series of titles covering sporting pursuits and pastimes. Covering popular sports and hobbies of late Victorian Britain, with titles such as Tennis, Boating and Cricket. This volume covers the subject of salmon and trout fishing, written by fishing enthusiast and poet Henry Cholmondeley-Pennell (1837 - 1915).
This is a charming antique Badminton Library Books on fishing, offering a fascinating topic with great detail and fine illustrations. Delivered ready to enjoy.
Max Width: 14.5cm (5.75'')
Max Depth: 4cm (1.5'')
Max Height: 19.5cm (7.75'')
Buy it now direct from the dealer here:
Antique Badminton Library Book, Fishing, Reference, English, Sporting Interest Ref: A32GYN56W
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