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Our Stock # 24126
This is an antique copy of the Cabinet Maker's Drawing Book by Thomas Sheraton. An English, bound reference guide, dating to the Georgian period, published 1793.
Highly influential as a furniture designer, Thomas Sheraton (1751 - 1806) was an English luminary considered part of the 'Big 3' with contemporaries Thomas Chippendale and George Hepplewhite. Moving to London in the late 18th century, he took up teaching perspective and architecture, as well as cabinet making. Such subjects were published in this fascinating record that has influenced contemporary and revival furniture design ever since.
This is a delightfully aged antique copy of the Cabinet Maker's Drawing Book by the famous Thomas Sheraton. Rebound and presented in original, time worn order. Delivered ready to enjoy.
Max Width: 23cm (9'')
Max Depth: 5cm (2'')
Max Height: 28cm (11'')
Buy it now direct from the dealer here:
Antique Cabinet Maker's Drawing Book, Thomas Sheraton, English, Georgian, C.1812 Ref: KY2CCAPDX
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