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Our Stock # 18.9761
This is an antique mail carriage strong box. An English, oak security chest, dating to the early Georgian period, circa 1720.
This is an intriguing antique mail carriage strong box, conjuring the romanticised notion of highwaymen and folk heroes that patrolled the streets of early Georgian Britain. Of substantial oak stocks and robust as an occasional seat within the home. Solid joints and construction, delivered ready to display or enjoy.
Max Width: 41cm (16.25'')
Max Depth: 42cm (16.5'')
Max Height: 45cm (17.75'')
Interior Width: 36cm (14.25'')
Interior Depth: 36cm (14.25'')
Interior Height: 33.5cm (13.25'')
Buy it now direct from the dealer here:
Antique Mail Carriage Strong Box, English, Oak, Security Chest, Early Georgian Ref: YPK2Q89VU
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