Antique Bulls and Bears, board game 1930's | ANTIQUES.CO.UK |

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    bulls and bears, board game 1930's

    Antique Bulls and Bears, board game 1930's
    • Antique Bulls and Bears, board game 1930's
    • Antique Bulls and Bears, board game 1930's

    ephemera ephemera

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    Board game from the 1930's in very good condition.

    BULLS AND BEARS is based on the buying and selling of stocks in order to profit, either by a rise in the prices of stocks held, or by receipt of income in the form of dividends. Players hope, as in real life, that the prices of their particular holdings of stock will rise or that they will be able to “corner" a stock and force the other players to be penalized. Players buy and sell stocks from and to each other. Although much depends on the individual player’s luck he can increase his winnings by selling certain stocks and holding other stocks at the proper time. After a few games a player will learn the best way to buy and sell his stocks and to take advantage of the various opportunities which arise in the game. THE OBJECT of the game is for one player, by wisely manipulating his holdings, to acquire all the money and to become the owner of all the stock. THE WINNER of the game is the player remaining after the other players have been forced from the game by the loss of all their money and stock certificates.
    THE GAME CONTENTS :1 x playing board , 2 x Dice , 6 x Wooden Playing Pieces in six different designs and colors , 72 x Share Certificates (9 certificates each of 8 different stocks) , 5 x Metal Chairs for Exchange Seats , 16 x Stock Pool Cards , 1 x Pack of Money in 3 x denominations ($1,000, $500, $100) , 1 x set of Rule Ref: JXXCAREB

    Price: £225.00

    Please note that this price may NOT include delivery charges which the seller may charge extra for.

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    Ephemera ephemera

    I have stock and are always looking for interesting antiques and collectables. Please call me for a friendly visit or if you need to discuss about an item.

    Contact details

    Ephemera ephemera
    Hawkhurst road
    brighton and hove
    East Sussex
    bn1 9gf
    T: 07825524870

    ephemera ephemera

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