Antique Early 20th Century oil painting of the Venetian lagoon | ANTIQUES.CO.UK |

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    early 20th century oil painting of the venetian lagoon

    Antique Early 20th Century oil painting of the Venetian lagoon
    • Antique Early 20th Century oil painting of the Venetian lagoon
    • Antique Early 20th Century oil painting of the Venetian lagoon
    • Antique Early 20th Century oil painting of the Venetian lagoon
    • Antique Early 20th Century oil painting of the Venetian lagoon
    • Antique Early 20th Century oil painting of the Venetian lagoon

    martlesham antiques

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    Early 20th Century oil painting of the venetian lagoon by Vincent Manago (1880 – 1936) having original gilt frame this oil on canvas painting depicting various boats on the venetian lagoon, signed V.Manago. Circa 1910.

    43” x 32”
    110cms x 81cms
    Vincent Manago was born in Toulon in France in 1880. He migrated to North Africa and then to France and painted landscape views and street scenes.
    Vincent Manago was a very popular painter in Marseille between 1900 and 1913, where his work was shown at the Foire internationale de Marseille and at the Exposition Coloniale des Paysages d'Afrique et de Provence. He specialised in landscape, marine and genre paintings of the Mediterranean coast (Port de Martiques, La Rochelle, Venice) and in Orientalist painting. The latter showed the influence of his stay in Tunisia and Algeria on his art. He used vivid colors in his paintings. As would other Orientalist artists, he also used scenes depicted on postcards as inspiration for his paintings. Manago also worked as a decorator of several private residences in Tunis and Alger. Vincent Manago lived in Paris until his death on 30 June 1936. Ref: A8HPJB8H

    Width (cm):
    Height (cm):
    Depth (cm):
    Price: £4,400.00

    Please note that this price may NOT include delivery charges which the seller may charge extra for.

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