victorian mahogany bijouterie table Read more
a large early c19th spanish terracotta pot Read more
pristine sterling silver & enamel box c.1900 Read more
top quality heavy cast brass photograph frame - english c... Read more
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A pair of late 19th to early 20th century Sheffield plated wine bottle or decanter coasters. The coasters are larger than normal and could take a magnum sized bottle. The coasters have a shaped and gadrooned moulded edge with a pierced ogee shaped body. The basses are turned wood, with a decorative turning inside and are baize covered underneath. The coasters are in good condition. (Circa 1900) Height 12.5cm (4.9 inches) Diameter 22cm (8.7 inches) Pair of Sheffield Plated Magnum Coasters Ref: WMXK2WRFG
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