Antique WW1 German Sapper Wire cutters | ANTIQUES.CO.UK |

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    Cheshire Antiques Consul..

    ww1 german sapper wire cutters

    A set of WW1 long handled wire cutters I acquired on my trip in Ypres.
    I found them in an antique shop and due to them not having a price tag I believe I purchased them at a pretty cheap price.

    As much as I love them, I have no need for them...
    Overall good condition for what they are and where they are from:
    Slight rust in joint area
    Whole body dark brown (possibly slight layer of rust I don't know)
    The cutting blade is quite damaged and rusty, meaning that they do not close together fully and would struggle to cut wire (could be repaired)
    Probably not for practical use, but definitely works as a display piece or prop.
    All solid metal and definitely looks old.
    Haven't been able to find much information on them online as they appear to be quite rare. The information that I have got is that they were issued to either Sappers or Storm troopers. Can't find many images, websites or videos dedicated to this type of wire cutter as I believe that they were less common and not used as much as the other types of wire cutter available.
    Feel free to give me more information about them if you want :)
    Also feel free to ask questions. Ref: G582NWDT

    Width (cm):
    Height (cm):
    Depth (cm):
    Price: £90.00

    Please note that this price may NOT include delivery charges which the seller may charge extra for.

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    rio boyer

    Contact details

    rio boyer
    mauldlin road
    TQ9 5AF
    T: 07903944332

    rio boyer

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