Antiques Magazine - August 2024, Buying the best value antiques: five must-ask questions for beginners and investors - ANTIQUES.CO.UK

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    Buying the best value antiques: five must-ask questions for beginners and investors

    Posted by Chris on 30/08/2024

    Buying the best value antiques: five must-ask questions for beginners and investors

    With the huge range of antique shops, dealers, flea markets and galleries, it can be hard to know where to start collecting.

    Antiques expert Iain Brunt, founder of, believes that there are crucial questions to ask before you start spending.

    From Iain’s many years of experience at galleries in New York, London, Paris and Japan come this list to help you choose the best value antiques.





    How to start buying and collecting antiques and vintage collectables:

    1. Observe before questioning
    2. Look closely
    3. Visit museums – and don’t rush!
    4. Choose a period and object that you like
    5. Buy the best you can afford


    Observe antiques and vintage - before questioning

    Pictured: Fabulous Pair of late 18th / early 19th century French Ceramic Figures of Dalmatian Dogs. Price: £6,700 / $8,830


    1. Observe before questioning

    Your eyes will provide the answers to anything you need to know. Look carefully and try to learn from your mistakes. Don’t be overwhelmed by your excitement – never buy unless you are completely sure.


    gino vistosi. large salon chandelier mazzega, murano, italy, 1960s.

    Pictured: Gino Vistosi, Large Salon Chandelier Mazzega. Murano, Italy, 1960s. Price: £1,094 / $1,441


    2. Look closely

    Inexperienced buyers often don’t properly look at the item. Ask yourself what it is that makes this piece so special?


    Visit museums and galleries to prepare for the moment of buying your first antique or collectable


    3. Visit museums – and don’t rush!

    Prepare for the moment of buying your first piece by visiting museums. Look closely at pieces and styles. When buying, ask yourself whether the piece is good enough to be in a museum. If your answer is yes, buy it – but don’t rush.


    Choose a period of antique and design, and an object you like, when starting to collect antiques and vintage

    Pictured: Yiannis Tsarouchis Watercolour Painting, paper on card. Price: £20,000 / $26,354


    4. Choose a period and object that you like

    Visit museums, shops, galleries and exhibitions that deal with the subject you’re interested in. Talk to expert dealers. Searching online is a good place to start learning.


    Buy the best antique or vintage item that you can afford

    Pictured: Clock from the Napoleon III era. Paris,19th century. Price: £18,935 / $24,950


    5. Buy the best that you can afford

    There’s no point buying several lesser quality works when you could invest in one really good piece. Apply your business filters, but the main requirement is that you like it.

    Iain adds: “Remember: you must enjoy the piece you’ve bought… and have some fun discovering the world of antiques.”


    Ready to start your antique and vintage collecting journey?

    Pictured: Butterfly by Josef Lorenzl (1892 - 1950), Vienna. Price: £4,000 / $5,270


    Ready to start your antique collecting journey?

    There are tens of thousands of listings right here on You can start browsing by category, searching for keywords, items or periods in the search bar at the top of the page, or take a look at our latest listings from sellers around the world.

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