Antiques Magazine - November 2014, Christmas - ANTIQUES.CO.UK

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    Frank Craig Antiques


    Posted by David Taylor on 25/11/2014


    Winter crept up on us slowly, once Halloween had come and gone, it was only a matter of time before we were celebrating Guy Fawkes and feeling a temperature drop. And now here we are in December, with only a few weeks until the Christmas holiday.

    You may be one of those people that leave things to the very last minute and you don't want to be reminded of Yuletide's imminent arrival. You may be a person who has it all done 6 months before, and if you are, then I envy you greatly.

    If you're wondering what to buy anyone this Christmas and you're stuck for ideas, then do take a look at where there's plenty to give you something to think about.

    Collecting seems to be the in thing to do right now, we've seen many new programmes about collecting, hoarding and selling on antique programmes such as Flog It, Antiques Road Trip, Bargain Hunt and of course Antiques Roadshow. Here, you'll see people flog what they don't want and buy what they do want. If you've ever watched any of these programmes, it's a good way of catching the zeitgeist on what's current and collectable in the antique world.

    As far as collecting and hoarding is concerned, what's the difference between a hoarder and a collector? One would assume that a collector is someone who collects one thing, stores them neatly and tidily or puts them on display, in a way that shows them off at their best. A hoarder is someone who collects not just one thing, but many different things, from rubbish to dinner plates and keeps collecting until there's' no room left to move.

    If you're not too sure which category you fit into, then take a look in your attic or spare rooms and see if you have anything you'd like to sell and make some extra money that can be put towards Christmas. On the other-hand if you're looking for collectables, then is just the place to look as well as get your own stuff valued.

    Whatever you or your friends or loved ones collect, you're bound to find it on, our website is very easy to navigate your way around, and on the left hand side you've got a handy list of different types of antiques that you can click on and take a more detailed look.

    Don't let Christmas catch you on the hop, take a look now over the coming weeks and take your pick from a wide range of beautiful antiques, from furniture to paintings, from toys to collectable items.

    We'll see you there..!

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