Antiques Magazine - December 2021, Christmas Cherubs & Christmas themed items - ANTIQUES.CO.UK

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    Christmas Cherubs & Christmas themed items

    Posted by Iain Brunt on 17/12/2021

    Christmas Cherubs & Christmas themed items


    At Christmas cherubs and angels are ubiquitous, they’re part of our Christmas decorations and they’re featured on Christmas cards and wrapping paper.

     You may love them or hate them, but they are of course an important part of the Christmas narrative. In other religions angels appear in the Hebrew bible, but they are not mentioned in the Quran or Hadith. They have become widely associated with chubby little boys with wings, although in the Christian bible they weren’t described as being either male or female.

    However, the chubby little winged boy has become the most famous interpretation of the cherub, due in part to the God Eros/Cupid, and that’s what we more used to seeing at Christmas. Yes, there are more serious artistic interpretations of the angel Gabriel, but these play a minor part in comparison, usually appearing on more religiously themed Christmas cards.A Merry Christmas from all of us at more on #loveantiques #loveart #antiques #art 

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