Antiques Magazine - September 2005, Decorex London September 2005 saw the launch of - ANTIQUES.CO.UK

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    Frank Craig Antiques

    Decorex London September 2005 saw the launch of

    Posted by Iain Brunt on 01/09/2005

    Decorex London September 2005 saw the launch of

    Decorex London September 2005 saw the launch of


    Imagine you wanted to find an antique but you only had a few days to do it in, either because you worked too long hours, had a family. You had a project dead line to meet or you just did not know where to look, what are your options?

    Trail around antique shops and centres day after day hearing the same old words,

    “Oh you will never find that, it’s far too difficult”. Well we have come up with the solution.


    Think about a search engine on the Internet that would find the antique you were looking for in just 30 seconds, what would you type in WWW.ANTIQUES.CO.UK. We appear on all the major search engines on their front pages, Google, Alta Vista, Lycos, Hotbot, Ask Jeeves just to name a few.


    We are offering a service for every one throughout the world which is open 365 days a year 24 hours a day, for collectors, interior designers and dealers to search the entire United Kingdoms Antique shops and dealers.  Anything from a commode to a vintage Rolls Royce or a tie pin to a stuffed Elephant. Just type in the item you are looking for, the better the description the better the search or if you can see the item in our photo archives click and you will be directed to the dealers own website, how simple can that be? No fees no hidden charges totally free, just a direct contact with the owner.


    For further details contact: - Iain Brunt. 

    Download: decorex press release.doc

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