Antiques Magazine - November 2016, Happy Thanksgiving - ANTIQUES.CO.UK

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    Happy Thanksgiving

    Posted by Gillian Jones on 23/11/2016

    Happy Thanksgiving

    Thanksgiving and providing light

    “There are two ways of spreading light: to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it.”

    Edith Wharton


    We hope you enjoy Thanksgiving and that your family are safe and well, and that you enjoy this peaceful time to give thanks in a world that’s becoming more turbulent and a year which has been eventful.

    Happy Thanksgiving!



    Thanksgiving and providing light

    “There are two ways of spreading light: to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it.”

    Edith Wharton

    If you’re celebrating thanksgiving in your home this week, you may be preparing yourself for the onslaught of family and friends who will be arriving at your home in their droves for food, a catch-up, and of course to give thanks for all that you’ve prepared. You or your loved ones will have been beavering away in the kitchen, frantically working hard to get things perfect for the day, hoping everyone will have a good time.

    Setting the table, setting the scene

    You’ll be setting the table, and no doubt brought out the best dinner service, at the centre you may have a table runner, but what else? It’s a little early for a Christmas garland so you may be scratching your brains for inspiration. What you could do is place a candelabra at the centre, or perhaps even a few smaller ones. They’re the perfect dinner accompaniment, offering ambience and mood, and so much less stark than ceiling lighting.

    We have a very interesting and versatile selection over on our listings pages on Some date back as far as the 18th and 19th centuries, and all are made from a variety of materials, some decorated lavishly and some less ornate. There’s a candelabra set or single set piece to suit every taste and they have a long and fascinating history.

    Candles, candelabras – a long and noble history

    The candle itself dates back thousands of years and were an obvious necessity before electricity. As we’ve already noted, candelabras are made from a wide variety of materials including gold, copper, silver and brass. In the 19th century the silver candelabra was the most popular type used at most evening dinners, providing decoration as well as much-needed illumination for diners. Later, with the invention of the light bulb, the candelabra’s popularity waned, but it has had a renaissance with the popularity of antiques, and the appreciation for vintage and industrial décor.

    Candelabras light the room in the most beautiful way

    Candelabras may not be needed to light the home anymore, but they provide just the right setting for a family meal, just as they would have done in the 1880s. If you prefer a more modern type of candelabra, then there are some stunning industrial designs with the inventive use of copper and brass. There are some beautiful industrial steel candelabras from the 1920s on and they might just be what you‘re looking for. Use our search engine facility and check out the categories on the left-hand side of the home page, where you’ll find that any of them can lead you to some interesting finds and that’s always half the fun. Put industrial in the search engine for some candelabra finds and try the ‘antique metals’ for a quick search there.

    We hope you enjoy Thanksgiving and that your family are safe and well, and that you enjoy this peaceful time to give thanks in a world that’s becoming more turbulent and a year which has been eventful.

    Happy Thanksgiving!



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