Antiques Magazine - February 2015, New Website design - ANTIQUES.CO.UK

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    New Website design

    Posted by Gillian Jones B.A/M.A/PGCE on 23/02/2015

    New Website design

    New Website design

    We’re proud to announce our website re-launch this month.  We’ve spent a lot of time thinking about it and making sure it’s as easy to navigate as it was before, retaining all the important features, but including new ones that we know you’ll love.

    We hope you’ll enjoy our new, fresh website and that you continue to stay with us on our incredible journey.  We look forward to spending the coming year with you all. 

    Website New design

    We’re proud to announce our website re-launch this month.  We’ve spent a lot of time thinking about it and making sure it’s as easy to navigate as it was before, retaining all the important features, but including new ones that we know you’ll love.

    We hope you’ll enjoy our new, fresh website and that you continue to stay with us on our incredible journey.  We look forward to spending the coming year with you all.

    The winter weather has been quite unsettling; with warm temperatures one minute and heavy rain the next, very cold one day, then warm and windy the day after. The weather seems to get more unreliable each year, but there’s always one thing you can always rely on with some confidence, and that’s your daily fix of antiques on

    Forecast for the coming year – it’s all good

    We forecast many changes over the coming months, but only ones we know you will love. And on the subject of the word love, we come to St Valentine’s Day, which is next on our list of celebration days that comes once a year. You may have mixed feelings on it, if this is the case, then go over to our St Valentine’s Day blog for some ideas on what to do for this much celebrated event.

    New ideas and themes

    We’ll be looking Pairs of antiques with interiors over the coming year and how art can best help you achieve a theme or era you wish to emulate. We’ll also be celebrating various events throughout the coming year and finding ways in which we can tie them in with our love of antiques. 

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