Antiques Magazine - January 2015, Pairs - ANTIQUES.CO.UK

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    Posted by Gillian Jones on 13/01/2015


    To pair or not to pair
    If you're into collecting antiques you may be the sort of person that enjoys collecting unique oddities that don't match. A fascinating collection of different sized collectables of every size, shape and colour, some of value, some collected purely for the joy they bring and the memories they provoke.

    On the other hand, you may be someone that has a strict criteria of what you collect, a particular era you look out for, and a certain style you aim for within the interiors of your home.

    Pairs and sets
    Perhaps you prefer collecting in pairs or sets. They certainly add symmetry and harmony when matched and can give a room a certain order. What kind of sets and pairs takes your fancy? Perhaps you enjoy collecting dinner sets, pairs of urns to place outside in the garden, pairs of garden chairs, vases or indoor chairs. Whatever it is, we're going to be looking at the world of pairs next year.

    What will be in trend in 2015?

    We’ll be taking a look at the variety of collectable pairs currently in favour within the antique world, what you should be looking out for and taking a look at favourite eras for certain valuable pairs.

    In the meantime, take a look at where a variety of paired items, from Edwardian writing cabinets to cast bronze torchers from the early half of the 20th century. There's a beautiful pair of Georgian style open armchairs and a pair of Victorian mahogany urns.

    Always keep us in mind when you're looking for a particular item, we have a wide selection of antiques from all over the UK with a global audience. You never know what you may find within our pages and we certainly take pride in our vast and varied collection of antique collectables.

    That might give you some inspiration for starting a collection if you haven't begun one already. Keep an eye out next year for our new series of blogs on antique pairs and in the meantime, 

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