Antiques Magazine - October 2021, Small is beautiful - ANTIQUES.CO.UK

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    Small is beautiful

    Posted by Iain Brunt on 04/10/2021

    Small is beautiful


    Can you get big returns from small items? Well yes, if you buy carefully. Just because it seems small and relatively worthless doesn’t mean it is. And the great way of buying small is that you can still find something valuable without it taking up half your house.


    Of course as you know, antiques is the most popular way of making money and from  what we see on TV with the plethora of programmes that tell us exactly that, we’re all on the hunt for something special. And it is out there, you just have to be vigilant.

    Collecting, as you know, is a form of savings, an investment, but it comes with its own risks. You won’t always find something valuable, but you probably knew that too. You do it for the love of collecting and collecting small things can be a big and beautiful thing.

    If you’re unsure you can always ask for advice and what isn’t selling now may do so in the future. Just stick to a few simple rules if you are collecting smaller items.

    Glass pre-war is best, especially Lalique, which we have covered before in previous blogs. If you’re collecting jewellery stick to items that have big names from major designers. You also need to consider the cost of auction if you decide to auction the item, although on the other hand you could simply list it on for much less.


    If you’re looking to wear your jewellery as well as invest in it, then remember that you will pay less than at a high street store for a statement piece, and have a vintage jewellery item that will potentially increase in value, and look utterly original. When you’re looking for antique jewellery pieces it helps if you have some background knowledge as to when styles came in, such as enamelling, lever back or omega back earrings, or when certain semi-precious stones were in vogue. 


    When you’re looking out for glass remember to look for a mark and this is usually one of the most important things to look out for when buying anything of this nature. You can check the sides and the bottom of the item, but keep in mind that the mark you’re looking for may be very faint. You can always look up the mark on the internet and perhaps consult us here at or someone else you know who’s trustworthy.

    As with any valuable item, you’ll need to do your research and make sure the item you’re looking for is genuine, and if you’re not sure ask someone who specialises in the particular type of thing you’re collecting, whether it be a book, piece of glass or a pair of earrings. At the end of the day though, it should be fun, collecting small delicate items that come with a history, a story behind them, and have a uniqueness and beauty you won’t find today with mass manufacturing and lack of individuality. Yes, small is beautiful and there’s always room for one more piece.

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