Antiques Magazine - July 2016, Sporting antiques and the Olympic Games 2016 - ANTIQUES.CO.UK

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    Sporting antiques and the Olympic Games 2016

    Posted by Gillian Jones B.A/M.A/PGCE on 26/07/2016

    Sporting antiques and the Olympic Games 2016

    The Rio Olympics & Sports Memorabilia

    It'll be the Olympics next month; it seems only yesterday that we were celebrating the London Olympics in 2012. But yes, the heady days of the London Olympics were four years ago and now we stand on the cusp of another Olympics, this time in Rio. I’m sure we’re all excited to see our sportsmen and women out there competing for GB and we wish them all the best of luck. 

    The Rio Olympics & Sports Memorabilia

    It'll be the Olympics next month; it seems only yesterday that we were celebrating the London Olympics in 2012. But yes, the heady days of the London Olympics were four years ago and now we stand on the cusp of another Olympics, this time in Rio. I’m sure we’re all excited to see our sportsmen and women out there competing for GB and we wish them all the best of luck.


    The Olympics has a great history, starting in Greece and traced back as far as 776 BC. They continued for 11 centuries, until Emperor Theodosius banned them, describing them as pagan cults not worthy of continuance.


    You may be one of those people who isn’t too interested in sports and watches bits of it on TV occasionally, or you could be one of those that has a close interest in one particular area, and focus on that throughout the competition. You may also be keen on collecting memorabilia and there’s plenty on to hold your interest. What could be more fascinating than having a collection of sporting items that tell their own story of winning, losing and competition.


    It’s a curious thing when you enter a word or phrase in the search engine, the kind of results you get are fascinating. Enter ‘Olympics’ and you get a lithograph of Sir Steven Redgrave & Mathew Pinsent CBE by Stephen Doig. Perhaps not necessarily a sporting trophy or a piece of equipment, but worthy of cherish on its own merit nonetheless.


    Enter the word ‘athletics’ and you get quite a collection of paintings and framed advertisements. One is of an advertisement for American underwear with a cartoon portrait of Babe Ruth and it’s also signed. Another is a contemporary impressionist print of a winning marathon athlete.


    Of course, if you’re not keen on random searches, you can simply click on the left hand side of the home page and select ‘Sporting Antiques,’ here you’ll find bronze figures of jockeys, large billiards tables, a rare oak Scottish Victorian scoreboard, and there’s a rather exquisite quality antique banded silver hunting horn from Callow & Son. None of them are particularly Olympics in nature, it all rather depends on what you’re into sports wise.


    Under the heading of ‘Sporting Antiques’ we have several other sporting categories – so if one sport is your particular favourite, you can find it much easier. The equestrian section brings you plenty of quality hunting horns, saddle racks and a leather hunting canteen set.


    Whichever you prefer, and whichever way you like to search for your sporting memorabilia, we hope you enjoy your antique searches and of course, that you enjoy the Olympics,’ let’s hope we come back with plenty of medals!

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