Antiques Magazine - March 2015, The fastest way to sell your antiques and art - ANTIQUES.CO.UK

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    Frank Craig Antiques

    The fastest way to sell your antiques and art

    Posted by Iain M Brunt Founder on 16/03/2015

    The fastest way to sell your antiques and art

    I have been told many times I just dont have the time to add all my items to your website so here is my reply

    Save yourself time and hassle!

    RSS XMLDo you have a website with your own items on it? Don't fancy uploading antiques twice, once to your site and once to ours? You could seriously benefit from our automated XML import service.

    Simply contact us to arrange an automated import of a pre-existing XML feed on your site. Don't know what an XML feed is? Don't worry - it's fairly standard on all modern websites. You probably already have one.

    An XMl feed is a machine-readable document containing all the details of your site's antiques. It contains the name, the description, the image, the price - everything you need to upload a new item onto

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