Antiques Magazine - May 2017, Vargueno - ANTIQUES.CO.UK

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    Frank Craig Antiques


    Posted by Iain Brunt on 03/05/2017


    What is a Varueno?

    I was at an international dinner last night, in Geneva, and one lady asked me "do you know what a vargueno is?" I thought she was talking about the wine, as we had some great wines to choose from. When I said I preferred red to white she explained why. She had just inherited one from her great aunt but didn't know what it was. Well I said. "It's a decorative writing cabinet of a form originating in Spain, composed of a rectangular chest supported on legs or a decorative framework, and having the front opening downward on hinges to serve as a writing desk. Wow she said what fun and carried on eating.

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