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    gallant antiques

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    kirton in lindsey, lincolnshire, united kingdom

    Welcome to our collection of fine antique furniture. Our range includes a substantial stock of fine furniture from the 18th, 19th and early 20th Centuries. The selection offers good examples of Georgian, Regency, William IV, Victorian and Edwardian furniture - all prepared to the highest standard with an aim to provide our clients with exceptional quality at keen prices.

    Much of our stock is sold directly to the fine antiques trade so you can trust our ability to meet the discerning purchasing scrutiny of both the professional and the enthusiast. An extensive stock is on display over several large showrooms in Lincolnshire. Our warehouse has unrestored stock over 3000 square feet which is available for trade or the public to buy, which can be sold unrestored or we can restore it to your specifications. We also stand at major antique fairs.
    We are a family business that prides itself on our personal service. Just call Richard or Paula Barstow on 01652640407 or mobile 07886443472 to arrange a viewing. We can also e-mail pictures of items in stock if you have a particular requirement

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