period and decorative interiors - ANTIQUES.CO.UK

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    period and decorative interiors

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    wellington, somerset, united kingdom

    We have been in the Antiques Business for 35 years and deal in a vast range of Antiques and Decorative items from the mid C17th to the mid C20th. Whilst our main interest is in Ecclectic and Unusual items we also maintain a stock of practical goods including Polished and Painted Furniture, Metalware, Bronze, Lighting,Ceramics, Boxes & Caddies and some Garden and Architectural items. Our Warehouse exists primarily as a storage and working facility and is not a showroom, however you are welome to call to view or collect specific items proving that you make a prior appointment to do so, as it is not staffed on any regular basis. We are not open to random callers or browsers which is why we no longer have a retail premises, choosing to sell at fairs and on the internet instead. WE ACCEPT ALL MAJOR U.K. CREDIT AND DEBIT CARDS via the telephone.

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