m.adams design mitcham uk - ANTIQUES.CO.UK

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    m.adams design mitcham uk

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    mitcham, greater london, united kingdom

    MY PASSION is antique furniture that still had renewing the regeneration gets new life...
    FOR every piece of furniture to put his heart teeth to extract from it all that is in the most beautiful.
    Renewing sofas, couches, armchairs .chaise longue, chairs and desks different cabinets and furniture to order customer
    All my works are exclusively designed by me, which makes me are unique and unrepeatable.
    If you would like to renew your furniture which write to me and to design them according to your needs and will be able to enjoy of its pleasing design for the next year ... I have to choose from a large range of fabrics, and you can order in patchwork who also performs the same ...
    We cordially invite you to visit my website and the service tab is where some of my work from an old piece of furniture created a beautiful renovated furniture ..

    Feel free to shopping and ordering ...

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