harvey's barn antiques - ANTIQUES.CO.UK

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    harvey's barn antiques

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    hemswell cliff, lincolnshire, united kingdom

    Located on the borders of Lincolnshire, Leicestershire, Rutland and Nottinghamshire, we take great pride in meticulously restoring vintage chandeliers and lighting so that they may once again form a centrepiece in your home. During restoration each Chandelier is carefully and masterfully taken apart, thoroughly cleaned and restored to its former glory. We are able to assist you with every aspect of purchasing and installing your chandelier. We have a range of antique chandeliers for sale and all our chandeliers can be delivered to your location in bespoke wooden suspension cages, ensuring that your chandelier will arrive in pristine condition. Our aim is to ensure that your dream of owning a beautiful chandelier can be realised seamlessly. In addition, we offer a sourcing service, where chandeliers can be found to meet your specific style, size, colour and budget. Our restored chandeliers are on display at Hemswell Antiques Centres. The centres are open 7-days 10am to 5pm. If you need any guidance, please contact us for further assistance. www.harveysbarn.co.uk

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