Antiques Magazine - January 2019, Ian Harris, N. Bloom & Son - ANTIQUES.CO.UK

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    Frank Craig Antiques

    Ian Harris, N. Bloom & Son

    Posted by on 15/01/2019

    N. Bloom & SonI've subscribed to for two years now. It has produced many enquiries, and quite a few sales with some customers becoming regulars. The modest cost has been recouped many times over. For anyone with their own website, as I have, using an XML feed means that anything you put on your own website automatically comes up on, saving a lot of time. For those without their own website, entering stock items on is quick and easy. Good photographs are essential - simple, even with quite a modest digital camera.

    Since I closed my last retail shop five years ago, I have traded solely via the internet. You can be on-line, and respond to enquiries, almost anywhere in the world. When selling on-line, reputation is all important, as it largely means taking you on trust for what may be a substantial amount of money. Absolute integrity and professionalism is essential. Any faults or restorations must be stated- as under EU law, a 'distance sale' customer is entitled to a full, unconditional refund provided an item is returned in the condition in which it was sent. For anyone wanting to expand their sales and contacts - and which of us does not? - I would recommend as a means of increasing visibility, contacts and sales.

    Ian Harris
    N.Bloom & Son

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