Antique Adoration of the shepherds, Neapolitan school, eighteenth century | ANTIQUES.CO.UK |

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    adoration of the shepherds, neapolitan school, eighteenth century

    Antique Adoration of the shepherds, Neapolitan school, eighteenth century
    • Antique Adoration of the shepherds, Neapolitan school, eighteenth century
    • Antique Adoration of the shepherds, Neapolitan school, eighteenth century
    • Antique Adoration of the shepherds, Neapolitan school, eighteenth century
    • Antique Adoration of the shepherds, Neapolitan school, eighteenth century

    antichità ischia romano

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    The oil painting on canvas in question, from the first half of the eighteenth century and from Naples, is the birth of Jesus and the adoration of the shepherds, recurring theme in ancient painting for its intense and emotionally engaging character.
    The work is attributed to the painting movement of the Neapolitan Francesco de Mura (Naples, 1696-1782), a brilliant pupil of the great Solimena, with whom he worked until 1730, and from whom he learned the extraordinary technique.
    The condition of the painting are very good: the work has been cleaned and is well preserved, with no renovations or significant tweaks.
    The frame that the full, in carved and gilded wood, is ancient but not contemporary.
    Size (cm): 85 x 62 canvas, with frame 100 x 77
    The painting is sold with a photo certificate of authenticity.
    Nous traitons et organisons le transport des œuvres achetées, à la fois pour l'Italie et pour l'étranger, par des transporteurs professionnels et assurés. Pour info Ref: YYE3GFDB

    oil on canvas
    Width (cm):
    Height (cm):
    Price: £4,089.72

    Please note that this price may NOT include delivery charges which the seller may charge extra for.

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    Antichità Ischia Romano

    A selection of antique furniture and paintings, sculptures and collectibles.As members of FIMA (Federation Italian art dealers) and CINOA (Confédération Internationale des Négociants en Oeuvres d'Art), we guarantee the authenticity of each object with photographic expertise.

    Contact details

    Antichità Ischia Romano
    via garda 4
    T: 0039 0461 564830

    antichità ischia romano

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