Golden Kingdoms has 3 antiques for sale.
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A very rare Japanese shikomizue sword with kabazaiku cherry bark wooden saya.
The wakizashi blade shows a very active crabs claw wave hamon & burl grain hada, the tang is signed Bizen Kuni Ju Nagamitsu.
likely the Bizen Osafune group, 15th 16th century.
Their village was flooded in 1592, stopping all production for 5 decades.
The group made many practical battlefield swords and the occasional “art sword”.
The ?? (Bizen) inscription suggests a higher quality production.
The lowest grades remained unsigned, while medium to high grade blades were signed with ?? Bizen.
size 92.8cm, blade 44cm including habaki. Ref: 3G292JQ99
Please note that this price may NOT include delivery charges which the seller may charge extra for.
Golden Kingdoms are collectors and dealers of Asian and Islamic antiques, we specialize in Asian, South east Asian, Chinese, Indian, Persian & other regional Asian and Islamic colonial period antiques and ethnographic edged weapons jewellery Buddhist and tribal regional art etc. If you do not see anything you like in our list of for sale items contact us and ask as we maybe able to accommodate you, we have hundreds of Asian antiques in stock that are for sale so may have just what you are looking for.