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    Frank Craig Antiques

    antiquities: pre-historic

    Prehistory, also known as pre-literary history,[1] is the period of human history between the use of the first stone tools by hominins c. 3.3 million years ago and the invention of writing systems. The use of symbols, marks, and images appears very early among humans, but the earliest known writing systems appeared c. 5,300 years ago and it took thousands of years for writing systems to be widely adopted. In some human cultures, writing systems were not used until the nineteenth century and, in a few, not even until the present. The end of prehistory therefore came at very different dates in different places, and the term is less often used in discussing societies where prehistory ended relatively recently.

    Showing items 1 - 2 of 2
    • Bronze-age twisted bronze Neck Torc

      Bronze-age twisted bronze Neck Torc

      timesancient, shoreham by sea, united kingdom

      A Bronze Age penannular torc formed from a single length of bronze wire, which has been twisted to form a twisted rope effect across much of its length. The thickness is mainly consistent throughout, although...


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    • Large c 19th German Religious Ecclesiastical figure of Mary Magdalene

      Large c 19th German Religious Ecclesiastical figure of Mary Magdalene

      private seller, london, united kingdom

      A large 19th century German Religious Ecclesiastical figure on a mahogany gothic stand, there is a german label which I can make out the word munich,it measures 193 cms high.the base is 108 cms long...


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