Antiques Magazine - May 2016, Antiques Centre For Sale - ANTIQUES.CO.UK

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    Frank Craig Antiques

    Antiques Centre For Sale

    Posted by Iain Brunt on 01/05/2016

    Antiques Centre For Sale

    THE OLD BREWERY is a GRADE 2 LISTED building C.1858. Set in the centre of a small village overlooking country side as far as the eye can see. It is situated two miles of J27 on the M5 in Devon, half way between TAUNTON and EXETER. Seven stories high including basement and roof garden it has a two bedroom open plan loft style apartment on the top floor with far reaching almost 360 degree views.

    At present used for an Antiques business, but could be used for many purposes subject to obtaining planning permission. It benefits from having full planning permission for six more units of accommodation, 1 x 1 bedroom and 5 x 2 bedroom, plus parking for 10 vehicles. Total floor area is approximately 7000 square feet.

    At present it has LIGHT INDUSTRIAL B1 usage permission as an Antique Centre. There are almost endless possibilities for its use. I would be interested to hear from any interested parties based on the following, Out right sale of the whole building with or with out antique stock.

    Sale of various parts of the building with myself retaining the two top floors for the time being. Any body interested in renting parts / floors of the building, ideally an antique dealer, artist etc. which would compliment and run along side the existing antique business.

    More details on request. Contact. M C Mead, m. 0776832843. t. 01884841770.

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