Antiques Magazine, May 2016 - ANTIQUES.CO.UK

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    Antiques Magazine Archive, May 2016

    Antiques Centre For Sale

    Antiques Centre For Sale

    THE OLD BREWERY is a GRADE 2 LISTED building C.1858. Set in the centre of a small village overlooking country side as far as the eye can see. It is situated two miles of J27 on the M5 in Devon, half way between TAUNTON and EXETER. Seven stories high including basement and roof garden it has a two bedroom open plan loft style apartment on the top floor with far reaching almost 360 degree views.

    At present used for an Antiques business, but could be used for many purposes subject to obtaining planning permission. It benefits from having full planning permission for six more units of accommodation, 1 x 1 bedroom and 5 x 2 bedroom, plus parking for 10 vehicles. Total floor area is approximately 7000 square feet.

    At present it has LIGHT INDUSTRIAL B1 usage permission as an Antique Centre. There are almost endless possibilities for its use. I would be interested to hear from any interested parties based on the following, Out right sale of the whole building with or with out antique stock.

    Sale of various parts of the building with myself retaining the two top floors for the time being. Any body interested in renting parts / floors of the building, ideally an antique dealer, artist etc. which would compliment and run along side the existing antique business.

    More details on request. Contact. M C Mead, m. 0776832843. t. 01884841770.

    Benefits of Valuation

    Benefits of Valuation

    You'll be pleased to know that will be offering a valuation service on all your collectibles and antiques on our site. This means that if you have anything you think may be of value, we can tell you what's its worth. It may be something you found by accident in your attic whilst clearing up, or perhaps its something that once belonged to your parents or grandparents. Thing is, why would you want to have it valued in the first place?


    June Newsletter

    It's almost summer and we've already had some warm weather, hopefully it's a sign of things to come. This month we've been taking a look at statement pieces and how you can transform any room in your home with either a vintage or more modern piece. It takes time to choose the right one, after all it has to fit in with your décor, and the colour scheme, so it's worth thinking it over before you buy. That one well thought out piece is all you need to change the overall look, or just to give your room that extra something that will be the centre piece of your home, and get oohs and aahs of appreciation from family and friends.

    Statement pieces

    Statement pieces

    Statement Pieces


    There's nothing like a bold statement piece to really liven up a room. You may be a traditionalist with a love of classic pieces, or perhaps you're a true modernist with a flair for putting contemporary looks together and mixing them with the odd antique piece?

    The Art of Walking

    The Art of Walking

    Some cities have traffic lights saying: “Walk!” Cristina Rodriguez conveys the same message in Geneva through her exhibition of paintings “Promenades Enchantées à Genève”, showing at the Cité du Temps from 25 May to 3 July 2016. This series of 10 large oil works presents a unique guided tour of the City that warmly welcomed the artist from 2010 to 2012. Your eyes will meander around familiar sights and landscapes, pausing to take in some of the characters that reside in these very specific places. “Geneva needs to be walked, it needs our time and our silence, in order for it to embrace us,” claims the Columbian artist with conviction. The beauty of this ‘indoor walking tour’ is that the colours will not be washed away by a summer shower.

    The Validity of Valuation

    The Validity of Valuation

    If you have potential valuables in your attic, then it's a good idea to have them valued. This is so that you can have them accurately insured in case of theft, and in case you choose to sell or auction in the future.

    As a way of celebrating the new valuation service on-site with, we've chosen a fun way to celebrate some famous unique finds. We may not find anything like this in our own homes, but they make for some interesting stories when retold.

    We've picked 7 of the most interesting. Not all were found in an attic, but they may help give you a little motivation to go searching for something in the back of your attic or spare room, or to go looking around local shops and antique stores for that special find.
