Antiques Magazine - December 2015, Sell your items with us now for free - ANTIQUES.CO.UK

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    Sell your items with us now for free

    Posted by Gillian Jones on 31/12/2015

    Sell your items with us now for free

    Consider placing your antiques and collectibles with us on

    Why not place some items online, with us?
    There's one way you can claw back everything you spent in November and December on presents though and that's by placing some items on What kind of items would these be I wonder? Well they'd be old toys, old furniture, men and women's accessories, musical instruments, games, the list is endless. Perhaps you've inherited some items from older relatives and they've been collecting dust upstairs. Now's the time to go searching in those eaves, looking through those old pictures and examine anything you think may be of interest.

    Take a look around our website
    Perhaps you're not really sure what that might be, but there's one sure way of finding out by taking a quick look through our website and checking out not only the new items we have on our home page, but also on the left-hand side which has a long list of subject headings. This ranges from nautical pieces to antique ceramics. They're listed alphabetically, so do go through and you'll see the type of things that are online. You may even recognize an item that's hidden away in the attic, it might be worth checking out.

    Antiques lying around you no longer like?
    You may also have some antiques that are gathering dust, they could be items that someone's given you as a gift or an item that someone passed on to you from someone else, like a relative and you've now put it somewhere safe. You may have forgotten about, but why not pull it out and see if you can sell it online? The fees to place something online is very reasonable and you'll be exposing it to a much wider audience than you would locally. We have a global audience of dedicated antique lovers, so why not introduce the world to your item?

    There are antique dealers out there looking for your item
    By selling items online you can provide good quality images and as much detail as you can provide, this will help the buyer make a decision on whether it's item for him. Rather than go on a lengthy trip around the country, an antique specialist can look online and find what he's looking for so much easier. It's a win-win situation for those that are looking for a specific item. It could be yours and you're opening up your item to be viewed by someone who's willing to pay the asking price.  

    Don't let your antiques and collectibles gather dust in some old attic space, sell them online, with us, here at That way, you may get a lovely surprise come the end of January with a little bit of pocket money to pay those bills, and perhaps a little left over to treat yourself – after all, Christmas has been hard work, surely you deserve a little reward?

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