Antique cupboards normally in larger formats for the storage of items behind hinged doors.
georgian antiques, edinburgh, united kingdom
Stock No. 33863 Circa 1860. Rare carved 19th century quality Gothic cupboard in quarter-cut oak. Surmounted by a tiered cornice with intricate carved foliate frieze. The front with arches above turned pillars flanking a central...
view detailsgeorgian antiques, edinburgh, united kingdom
Circa 1890. A set of three numbered pine lockers. The solid top with a deep frieze, beneath are 3 full length doors with the numbers 124, 125, 126 stenciled. Each of the hinged panel doors...
view detailsgeorgian antiques, edinburgh, united kingdom
Stock No. 33897 Circa 1930 Solid oak Jacobean-style neat-sized oak cupboard. The top in a single piece of figured oak with external dowels, the front with diamond-shaped panels and a single doored cupboard. Supported on...
view detailsgeorgian antiques, edinburgh, united kingdom
Circa 1770 George III bow-front figured mahogany hanging corner cupboard of exceptional quality. Surmounted by a moulded and dentil cornice above a beaded frieze with blind fret decoration. The twin bow front doors open to...
view detailsgeorgian antiques, edinburgh, united kingdom
Circa 1790. George III astragal-glazed mahogany hanging corner cabinet. Surmounted by a moulded and dentil frieze the single astragal glazed door with beading opening to a shelved interior. With angled sides and all above a...
view detailsgeorgian antiques, edinburgh, united kingdom
Circa 1910 Early Georgian-style figured walnut freestanding corner cabinet. The polished top in mirror matched figured walnut above a single frieze drawer with cut brass handles above a 2-door bow fronted cupboard with brass drop...
view detailspinefinders old pine furniture, aylesbury, united kingdom
This large antique pine cupboard features an arched top and a finial on each corner, with a single door that opens from left to right. The finials are removable if needed. Inside, there are three...
view detailspinefinders old pine furniture, aylesbury, united kingdom
For sale is a charming vintage pine corner cupboard dating back to around 1910. It features a convenient drawer at the top and a cupboard door below, opening from left to right, revealing ample shelving...
view detailspinefinders old pine furniture, aylesbury, united kingdom
This expansive antique pine cupboard, dating back to the 1920s, boasts a spacious interior with two doors that open from left to right. Currently equipped with seven shelves, additional shelving can be added to accommodate...
view detailsgeorgian antiques, edinburgh, united kingdom
19th century or earlier carved hardwood Chinese cupboard. The top with moulded fore-edges above twin doors with traditional Chinese brass lock and an open fret panel to its top panel with carved dragons and crabs,...
view detailsgeorgian antiques, edinburgh, united kingdom
Circa 1980. A neat sized tall solid oak double corner cupboard, with a moulded cornice and simple frieze over a full-length door with six glazed panels with oak astragals, the inside is polished with two...
view detailsgeorgian antiques, edinburgh, united kingdom
Circa 1880 Rare Victorian apprentice piece pine cupboard. Surmounted by a shaped pediment with applied carved leaves, and with faux bamboo mouldings to the frieze and sides. The panel door with original mirror plate within...
view detailsgeorgian antiques, edinburgh, united kingdom
Circa 1680. A late 17th Century Flemish/Dutch rosewood ebony and ebonized kast. The projecting cornice carved with a lion’s mask with a rampant lion cartouche above a frieze carved with foliate scrolls and putti. The...
view detailsebury trading, london, united kingdom
A set of three painted Swedish cupboards, comprising a larger cupboard with drawer and two floor standing corner cupboards, each with a shelf. The exteriors decorated with silver plated bronze mounts. c.1900 Measures: Large Cupboard...
view detailsamorini antiques & craft emporium, wirral, united kingdom
A lovely 19th century carved dark oak cutlery tray, with beautifully carved pokerwork decoration to each end, length 442cm. In good original condition with lovely patina. Although originally made for cutlery, these lovely tactile pieces...
view detailsmartlesham antiques, martlesham, united kingdom
Early 19th Century oak food cupboard, having a moulded cornice above quarter sawn oak doors with fielded panels and pierced fretwork sections, opening to reveal shelves with unusual carved mouldings, three drawers below with crossbanded...
view detailsgeorgian antiques, edinburgh, united kingdom
Circa 1880, Victorian mahogany piano stool. The rectangular overstuffed seat with upholstery over a moulded mahogany seat-rail lifts to interior with gilded brass supports the sides with line carvings, all supported on ring turned feet....
view detailsgeorgian antiques, edinburgh, united kingdom
Circa 1680, Charles II carved oak cupboard. With initials to the top (implying it may have been a wedding gift) of ‘I.P & I.W’ and later Georgian and Victorian carved designs. The 2 top cupboards...
view detailsgeorgian antiques, edinburgh, united kingdom
Circa 1920, yew and giltwood bow-front cupboard. The demi-lune top with mirror matched figured yew has peripheral cross banding and a moulded foliate design giltwood fore edge. The base has bow-front doors with elaborate engraved...
view detailskoos limburg jnr, glen prosen, united kingdom
A beautiful Welsh oak press cupboard, circa: 1620 / 50 of delightful proportions. overall in good condition the locks and one shelf not original 60cm deep 134cm wide 158cm high
view detailsgeorgian antiques, edinburgh, united kingdom
Circa late 1900s, George III style, two part pine corner cupboard. Surmounted by a “broken” pediment with fluted finials over a moulded cornice and a blind fret decorated foliate carved frieze. The arched open upper...
view detailsgeorgian antiques, edinburgh, united kingdom
Circa 1880, George I style figured walnut corner cupboard. The arched top has a curved cavetto moulded cornice and beaded frieze, over twin glazed doors with moulded astragal bars. This opens to a fitted shelved...
view detailstrend antiques (dbc interiors ltd), rye, united kingdom
mid 1800's to early 1900's large pantry cupboard with barrel hinged doors, cleaned, treated, waxed and doors adjusted as far as we were able too, the bottom lock operates but the top key lock is...
view detailsgeorgian antiques, edinburgh, united kingdom
Circa 1830, William IV Scottish mahogany linen press. With breakfront moulded cornice over a flame mahogany frieze, there are fluted pilasters and cross banded, beaded decorated panelled doors. Inside are five original mahogany linen drawers....
view detailsmartlesham antiques, martlesham, united kingdom
Early 19th Century French fruitwood food cupboard, the carved and shaped top decorated with turned finials, the main section having spindles at the sides and front with a door at the centre with a pierced...
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