Antiques Magazine, April 2021 - ANTIQUES.CO.UK

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    Frank Craig Antiques

    Antiques Magazine Archive, April 2021

    From hybrid online ventures to new subscription models, mass events in the art world won't look the same post-pandemic

    From hybrid online ventures to new subscription models, mass events in the art world won't look the same post-pandemic

    The world of art fairs is going to change for good—and only the better-funded fairs will survive

    PRESENTS FROM THE PAST BOX RIVER NEWS. Your monthly Antiques and Art column from Art Expert, Iain Brunt.

    PRESENTS FROM THE PAST BOX RIVER NEWS. Your monthly Antiques and Art column from Art Expert, Iain Brunt.

    Hopefully as you read this we will be starting to see the country opening up again. Lockdown, whilst obviously a huge inconvenience to all our lives, did have one positive
    side-effect though - during 2020 burglaries dropped by a huge 20%. By remaining in our homes we all became a highly effective home security system. Now that lockdown is ending, how do we continue to keep our antiques and art safe?
