Antiques Magazine, August 2022 - ANTIQUES.CO.UK

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    Antiques Magazine Archive, August 2022



     Thomas Chippendale, the man whose name is synonymous with a certain type of furniture, famous the world over. He has spawned many a reproduction, and antique furniture is still crafted in his style today. He was born June 5th 1718. Born into a relatively modest little town in Yorkshire it appears that wood working was in the Chippendale family for years. He would have learnt about the intricate nature of wood, its foibles and vagaries from an early age, how to work with it, how to bend and shape it to his will. He would have learnt over many years woods’ possibilities. His own father was in the timber trade and young Thomas would have worked as his apprentice before moving to York to work with an eminent antique furniture maker. He worked his way up as a cabinet maker and designer, moving to London in the mid-1700s where he was to marry and have a large family.


    Copper Kettles

    Copper Kettles

    You may be thinking to yourself after reading the title, what could you possibly have to say to me about antique kettles that I would find remotely interesting, and my answer to that would have to be, quite a lot actually.

    I love copper kettles; they have far more personality and character than the soulless stainless steel descendants we have inherited, thanks to the discovery of electricity and new materials. The antique kettles we have today do not convey the domestic warmth and conviviality that surrounds the copper kettle. One imagines the hustle and bustle of a large and busy household at the centre of a busy working kitchen. The copper kettle sat at the centre of everything, suspended above the hearth or sitting on an iron hob; it was efficient, attractive, the very picture of domestic perfection. You may be forgiven for thinking this was the birth place of the copper kettle, but it has a far longer history than that.

    Delivering a World of Antiques

    Delivering a World of Antiques

    Selling Antiques and buying antiques across the globe can be a tiresome process, but international antique shipping experts can make it even easier to buy online, wherever you are in the world.

    How do I find the value of antique items?

    How do I find the value of antique items?

    How do I find the value of antique items?


    The BIG QUESTION so here is my answer.

    My advice to get an accurate antique valuation is to get 3 and compare al three results.

    I once had a antique Chinese plate and I asked one London Auction house its value and they said £200-00 then I asked another and they said £2,000-00 then a 3rd and they said £50,000-00 and we sold it for £60,000-00.


    Antique Early Chinese plate



    I was so pleased I asked them all. You can use our free valuations service on by clicking here.


    We value everything from antique silver to antique furniture, vintage antiques antique jewelry.


    Travel, maps and Holidays

    Travel, maps and Holidays

    People of the past moved about their countries in different ways, and this influenced the way they interacted. It is also very important for looking at how antique maps they made symbolized how they identified with their local area. Often maps of previous centuries show villages that are now non-existent, or curiosities such as landmarks and waypoints that are rather humorous.

    Welsh dresser

    Welsh dresser

    Welsh dresser always brings back fond memories for me. Both my mother and grandmother had one and they were the centre of family life.





    We talked  around them, leaned on them; placed things on them and the drawers were full of various pieces of paperwork, pictures, pens and other sundry items. The top shelving was always for showing off the best china. This was really the part about Welsh dressers that people loved most of all; you were able to show off your very best dinner service, regardless of how poor you were. The antique Welsh dresser had multiple functions; at least in our family, ours had my favourite antique record player on it, which I would listen to of an evening while my parents were working in other parts of the house. 

    I’ve often wondered why it was exclusively referred to as a Welsh dresser; I have often assumed it was because it was a purely Welsh invention. This is almost true; the Welsh dresser was originally built in the 1600s, but by both the English and the Welsh. Popular in farmhouses and serving kitchens, it served as a place to store plates and serve food. They were usually made of oak, maple or pine. They were often painted or stained and sometimes varnished.



    What antiques are popular right now?

    What antiques are popular right now?

    What antiques are popular right now?

    I am asked the question daily.

    Style and trends are like fashion and currently the urge to buy antique furniture and antique collectables is high,.


    Buy now as prices go up and more comes onto the market.


    You can search through our hundreds of new arrivals on today.


    Many a day passes when we sell hundreds of antique items from our site.



    What are examples of antiques?

    What are examples of antiques?

    Virtually everything you see in your life that is older than 50 years old.

    Even I could be considered as antique.

    There are many items in your lives whether it is antique furniture or those

    antique chairs.

    Have you ever thought who might of sat on it before you?

    I once helped sell the Queens dressmaker’s chairs and I often asked myself if she might of sat on one of them before me.

    Antique lighting. We often walk down our streets and realise they are lit by antiques.

    A world without antiques would be a world without history.

    Buying and selling antiques made easy from the comfort of your own home with

    #Antiques #antiquefurnture #antique shop




    What is considered antique?

    What is considered antique?

    What is considered antique?

    I am asked the question daily.

    The true definition of an antique from the Oxford and Cambridge dictionary is

    A object made in an earlier period that is collected and considered to have value because it is beautiful, rare, old and  of quality:


    What I find fascinating is how these items still exit. They were certainly made to last which I cannot say of come of the items made in the 21st century.


    So do consider buying an antique the next time you need some antique furniture or decorative items. They also help us save the planet, as they are recycled items, which can only be good for future generations and us.

  has a wide choice and selection of antique furniture, antique lighting and much more for you home and interior design.


    What is the best website to buy antiques?

    What is the best website to buy antiques?

    What is the best website to buy antiques?

    This answer is easy of course it’s the best name in the world

    In honesty you need first to look and see which site is best for you.

    Some sites specialise in interior design some in particular fields or antique collectables.

    Here on we have a broad range of items and we always expanding our sellers to offer the visitors more.

    You would find you might get more inquiries if you were selling antique books, like amazon, and other sites also where they specialise in one or more particular field.

    It is also down to costs. Here on we don’t charge the buyers any fees so the price you pay is the price marked.

